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How do I create a data driven enterprise?


Our experience is that companies have exactly the data and data maturity they’ve invested in.

To transform into a data driven enterprise, real change is needed in the culture of an organisation, especially with respect to investing in data. These real changes only come with dedicated leadership and sponsorship.

We suggest that companies create a Chief Data Officer (CDO) role, and they give them a place at the top table. Once this happens, there will be a real opportunity for an enterprise to become effective with data. The CDO’s objective is to bridge and align business strategy with data execution strategy.

We call this Data Leadership.

Data leadership is successful when it translates business objectives into actionable data strategies that drive data science and engineering teams. But it also serves another purpose too. It provides a means for data scientists and engineers to feed upward to business leaders their discoveries about the art of the possible; the innovations they can bring.

If you are a senior business leader, considering a CDO post, we get that your background may not be data centric.

So we offer something unique: a CDO Advisory and Data Coaching service.

Our own internal senior data leaders, who have been working in the world’s largest data companies, will work with you to help you understand what has worked elsewhere, and offer expert advice when you need a considered view that is independent, impartial, and based on deep, real expertise.